Sunday, November 2, 2008


I never began to really watch commercials until I started taking an advertising class this semester. As I have previously said, I was sitting at home a couple weekends ago when I saw this ad on tv for the 150th anniversary of Macy's. 

The ad, created by JWT, New York, is the epitome of what a good ad should be. A good advertisement should create an emotional connection with the viewer. After seeing this, I would undoubtedly choose to go to Macy's over any other department store. Just to say that Macy's has been in business for 150 years possibly could be enough to persuade someone to go there on the basis that if they have been here for that long, they must be a great place to shop. However, this ad not only forms that emotional connection, but it shows the cultural significance of Macy's- it's pop culture status that has kept it a familiar favorite for its entire existence. 

The clips incorporated into the commercial are not just clips in which Macy's in mentioned- it is used as a pop culture reference by major figures of pop culture, past and present. From Lucille Ball, to Johnny Carson to Kanye West, these major figures relay the message that Macy's is a time honored tradition, and that they are the biggest and the best. 

If you are like me and you love the upcoming holiday season, this ad strikes a chord with you. As cliche as it sounds, there really is nothing like a department store at Christmas time. The decorations, the lights, the music and the buzzing of people- they all blend together perfectly to form a feeling that remains unchanged from the first time you sit on Santa's lap to present. Perhaps this feeling I get in a Macy's at Christmas is from a favorite movie from my youth- Miracle on 34th Street. Although I was a fan of the remake starring Matilda aka Mara Wilson, every child connects Macy's with that movie. Macy's made a child's dreams come true - even if it was vicariously through a man playing Santa. 

Perhaps it is Macy's self-association with the holiday season that draw its customers there. Who can imagine a Thanksgiving morning without watching the Macy's parade? Macy's perfectly pairs itself with the holidays both in this commercial, and with any other marketing campaign it has done. There is a certain personality to the holiday season; A certain feeling that anyone can feel in the weeks approaching Christmas. The Macy's tagline certainly plays on this- whether intentional or not. 

"The magic of Macy's." 

I will never shop at J.C. Penny again. (Sorry, Lovemarks). 

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